Monday, March 1, 2010

Silly Broad Fires a Hand Cannon

Shit man, at least she held on to the thing.

And what exactly was dude supposed to be doing behind her? I mean come on, what did he think she was firing? A rocket? I could see maybe standing there just in case she, I don't know, was a total fucking spastic and tripped and fell somehow, but to brace her like she was about to take the brunt of a nuclear blast was just ridiculous.

And yes, I know she asked him to help her out, but the simple fact that he does it makes him a jackass as well as a pussy.


  1. Christ. That's what I call a recoil!

  2. thats what she said

  3. Does anyone else realize she fired two rounds? One aimed and one on recoil. She almost shot herself.

  4. shit, she did fire two shots.

  5. Damn, I didn't even notice that. A little closer and this would have been an entirely different video.
